Are Games Getting Worse?

Video games are something that most people in the world love – they are everywhere. It is an industry that has grown to remarkable heights despite only being relatively young when the rest of the entertainment sector is concerned. The reason for this worldwide attraction to video games isn’t something that can be easily put into words, but the global love for them might have something to do with their interactivity. Compared to any other medium, video games are the only things that offer gamers that level of immersion since they can play the game and dictate the pace of the story.

Of course, people enjoy all sorts of entertainment, such as movies, TV, and even gambling. The latter is one of the most exciting activities to take part in, and users can even go online to an option like to get an idea of how fun it can be. Still, video games remain the biggest industry in entertainment. Being this big does not absolve the industry of its sins though, and it seems that these are especially common in recent years. One must only look to the disappointing game launches of last year to get an idea of where the gaming industry is right now, and it becomes impossible not to compare this to the past.

Most gamers would agree that the state of gaming is not great right now. Before even getting into the issues with the industry, it is proving to be impossible for new gamers to even get the chance to play video games. If beginners to gaming want to get a brand new, next-generation console, they are in for a surprise when they go to the page of any retailer that sells them. This is because companies like Sony and Microsoft are experiencing too much demand with too little supply, something that can be blamed on recent world events that stopped the production of those all-important chips.

Beyond the frustrating entry barrier for gaming, more problems prove to be significantly more insidious. The biggest game companies in the industry have grown comfortable with their size, and where once they were concerned with their customers, they are now only concerned with profits. This means that video games lose their quality year after year, to the dismay of passionate gamers who have been playing these video games their entire lives.

While the number of disappointing launches is getting higher, this is not to say that the industry is not improving. Now and then, a game arises that defies expectations and reinvents the wheel – one must only look towards 2018’s Red Dead Redemption 2 to see this notion embodied. The industry still has the potential to make quality video games, but it is hard to disagree that these high-quality, masterful games have come very few times of late.

Many gamers will remember a time where studios and publishers worked in conjunction with each other to produce great games. Even now this is not the case today, one can only hope that 2022 spells a better future for gamers.

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