Elden Ring Revealed And Its Going To Be Brutal

Elden Ring is the sort of Fantasy project that doesn’t come around often. The work of Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R. R. Martin, this brand new game just got an E3 trailer and it looks magical.

Coming to Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4, Elden Ring is under development at Fromsoftware Inc. With titles like Dark Souls and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice behind them this studio is now busy breathing life into the world of these two incredible creators. This game is easily Fromsoftware Inc’s largest ever endeavor, set in a sprawling realm full of rich and bloodied history. While we’ve not been given a lot of additional information the trailer, above, already tells us plenty.

Nothing To See Here

The teaser, released to coincide with this announcement seems to follow a trio of characters as the narrator describes the power of the Elden Ring, a seemingly mystical object, now shattered. Not wanting to seem too far removed other tales of powerful rings, Elden Ring even features a character that appears to be a dwarf.  Whatever the playable characters, in the end, it seems like this game may have a tough time ahead for players. The entire teaser has an air of cold menace slithering under the epic choral action that accompanies the visuals, all painted in apocalyptically skies and presenting a severed hand in its first shot. Not only that, the game marries the master of souls games with the conductor of the red wedding. If you survive this game when it arrives you’ll be doing well. If you do join the hype train here, you won’t be alone. It already seems the master of dragons is excited about the final release.

“Building the world of ELDEN RING with Miyazaki-san and his team was a treat! The graphics, mythos, and action-RPG gameplay will deliver an unforgettable experience. I can’t wait for people to see what ELDEN RING has in store for them.” Said George R.R. Martin. “

While we do not know a ton more information, we will keep things up to date as we get more detail. Elden Ring looks incredible and is coming for us. Find out more on the Bandai Namco website.

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