Final Fantasy XIV Gets A Ferocious New Class in Dawntrail Expansion

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Final Fantasy XIV’s Dawntrail Expansion is coming in Summer 2024, and it includes the Viper Class.

Players present at Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival got some incredible news over the weekend. Between celebrations, Free Company gatherings, and in person raids, the player base got news of the title’s upcoming Dawntrail Expansion. Announced as part of the 0keynote speech, the latest addition to this massive MMORPG is set to drop in a ton of new features. New alliance raids, job, content, characters, and much more all got a mention, but the incredible dual wielding Viper class was the star of the show.

Viper Class

The Viper class, or job for FFXIV players, is likely to be only the first of two new classes in the Dawntrail Expansion. Swinging into battle with two swords, the class seems to surely fit into the melee dps archetype. To get a look at what that actually looks like, have a peek at the gameplay trailer dropped for fans. There’s not a ton more detail, but it’s not hard to see that this seems distinct form other sword wielders in the game.


The Other stuff

Expansions don’t just come with a new class. Dawntrail will also incorporate a ludicrous amount of extra content including an increased level cap, multiple new jobs, sprawling new areas, new allied tribes, new dungeons, and new core battle content such as FATEs, Hunts, Treasure Hunts, and side quests. This all expands off into a new location, the city of Tuliyollal. Nestled in the Northern Reaches, this impressive new place has something of an island vibe to it between the gargantuan mountain tops. See what I mean in the teaser video.

The new atmosphere seems fitting for the tropical region of Kozama’uka, where a new Allied Tribe linger. The Moblins a look similar to the goblins but don’t expect the same response from them when you go to say hello.

Also expect echoes of Vana’diel, a crossover series with FINAL FANTASY XI, a new time limited job, new core Battle Content including FATEs, Hunts, Treasure Hunts and side quests, feature updates, PvP additions, and tons more. The list is so expansive you’re best to check it out on the FFXIV website. For anybody who hasn’t made their way through Heavensword and Endwalker yet, FFXIV is a huge name in the MMO market. With over more than 27 million total registered players and a dedicated fan base, this slice of the Final Fantasy fandom has plenty to look forward to next year.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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