Firefly (sort of) Returns With Three New Stories to Tell

It's About Time...

Titan Books and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products announced a publishing partnership for official, original stories to be told in the Firefly ‘Verse.

The three authors that have been announced to work on these stories are no strangers to the written word. All of them New York Times best-sellers, Nancy Holder (Buffy, Angel), Tim Lebbon (Cabin in the Woods, 30 Days of Night) and James Lovegrove (Age of Odin) will lend their talents to the series alongside Joss Whedon as a consulting editor.

So far, we have three titles with their synopsis announced with fan favorites aiming to misbehave, as only they can.

(picture courtesy of Titan Books)

In the first book, slated for an October 2018 release with Holder at the helm. In Firefly: Big Damn Hero, Captain Malcolm Reynolds will find himself kidnapped by an embittered remnant of Browncoat veterans.

In March 2019, we will see Jayne Cobb take center stage in Lebbon’s Firefly: The Magnificent Nine. Serenity’s crew answer a distress beacon which leads them to a desert moon. We will meet got to meet Jayme’s ex, Temperance McCloud.

Finally, in Lovegrove’s Firefly: Generations, a discovery is made, revealing one of the legendary Ark ships which brought humanity from earth-that-once-was. This job promises a wealth in salvage, but River’s got a bad feeling about this…

All of this is great news for you patient Browncoats awaiting whatever scraps of this beloved sector of the Whedon-verse has to offer.

Few more Firefly and gaming related news, keep it locked in here at GameSpace.

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