Grand Theft Auto Online pays big bucks for fun times

As always, Grand Theft Auto Online players have a lot to look forward to this week with tons of fun that pays out big bucks for the effort.

Those looking for a new ride will definitely want to head to Legendary Motorsport to check out the Lampadati Novak. This Italian SUV provides all the power of an offroad ride with the sleek look of a sportscar. “The days of choosing between utility and style are over as of now.”

For those who need to earn a bit more scratch before buying such luxury, there are a number of big bucks payouts available. These include the S.A. SuperSport Series that alternates between the Hotring Circuit, RC Bandito, and Issi Classic Races. Participants will bring home triple GTA$ & RP! The Race Series is paying out Double Rewards all wee as well. For even more, players can take part in Casino Work Missions for sweet 2X GTA$, RP, and Casino Chips.

Speaking of The Diamond Casino & Resort, players will want to swing by to spin the Lucky Wheel. The right spin can yield the Vysser Neo or any number of other sweet rewards including GTA$, RP, clothing, and more.

Lastly, there are some sweet deals on a variety of vehicles, upgrades, and garages, as well as great prices in the Casino Store for those with extra Chips laying around.

Check out all of the details on the Grand Theft Auto Online official site.

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