Gwent Price of Power: Once Upon a Pyre Now Available

CD Projekt Red has announced the release of the latest Gwent expansion, Price of Power: Once Upon a Pyre. The CCG update is now live for all players on PC, Apple M1 Macs, iOS, and Android mobile devices.

Price of Power is an Expansion Set consisting of three story-related expansions, with the main theme of magic and how different factions seek out, fight for, or exploit its power. Once Upon A Pyre is the first expansion of the set. It introduces 26 new cards, bringing fresh strategies to players’ arsenals, and kicks off the storyline behind the Price of Power set. The Once Upon A Pyre expansion is available for free download right now across all supported platforms.

In addition to the new cards, players also have the opportunity to check out some limited-time offers:

  • the Once Upon a Pyre Faction Packs and the Once Upon a Pyre Combo Pack that also grant faction-dedicated avatars and a Once Upon a Pyre-themed game board
  • the Price of power Expansion Pass with an exclusive Coin and access to all premium Price of Power cards

Take advantage of the best offer in the lineup of Price of Power products and save 30 – purchase the Expansion Pass to unlock the content of all other offers, including every Price of Power premium card, over 20 special ornaments, and the exclusive Pyre coin, which will become available immediately!

Check out the Gwent official site to learn more.

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