Noblegarden Is Coming to Hearthstone!

Hearthstone Noblegarden 2018

Blizzard has published a new Hearthstone blog post dedicated to the spring event of Noblegarden coming to the game. The tavern will be decorated with the best celebratory ornaments and Heroes will great each other with festive emotes.

Grab a basket and prepare your finest brushes, because Noblegarden is coming next week! Noblegarden is a festival where we gather to celebrate the joys of life and friendship by in-egg-splicably dyeing eggs in bright colors and hanging out with rabbits. It’s gonna be egg-cellent!

If you log into the game while the Noblegarden celebration is still active, you will receive a golden Eggnapper and a golden Devilsaur Egg.

The developers are planning on a celebratory Tavern Brawl as well! Players will honour the event by dyeing eggs. One will spawn each turn, and players will get to use a deck of colourful dyes and special Noblegarden cards (plus 10 random Class cards) to decorate it. Each dye applies a different buff, and at the start of your next turn, your eggs will hatch into something cute.

Use your loveable hatchlings to egg-sterminate your opponent with cuteness!

We’ll be celebrating  from May 9 through May 13 while the Everybunny Get in Here Tavern Brawl lasts, so don’t miss it!

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