Horace Launch Brings Old School British Humor To Steam

Pixel platformer Horace has just launched on Steam and it seems that anybody with a love of unassuming heroes and retro gaming might find something in this adventure.

Games inspired by our memories of younger years are all the rage right now but while many of them take inspiration, Horace is a little more direct when it plays with your nostalgia riddled memories. The platforming quest that just kicked off drags players back into a world in a need of a good ol tidy up. Things in Horace are a bit of a kerfuffle now that the Robot War is over and it’s up to this plucky protagonist to sort things out. As you progress through a variety of levels, players will encounter a bunch of faces that look awfully familiar. Whether you are busy being a Guitar Hero or running in a Summer Olympics, Horace is definitely going to rekindle some memories.

This isn’t just a walk down memory lane, however. Horace features a range of mini-games and puzzles, all topped off by boss fights that should hopefully still provide a decent challenge to gamers. The minuscule mechanical character can unlock a variety of Metroidvania style abilities things progress. There’s also an evocate narrative underlying this adventure. As Paul Helman and Sean Scaplehorn’s cute robot protagonist strives to follow its dreams, the game looks likely to tug at your heartstrings as much as your memory.

This homage to 16-bit gaming is out now for PC. You can pick it up at a 10% discount on the Steam Store, for now, or find out more about Horace at the official website.

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