My Time At Sandrock Enters Early Access On PC

player lets go of a lantern against a nigth sky - My Time At Sandrock Enters Early Access On PC

My Time At Sandrock, the newest entry in the My Time Series, has just arrived on PC Early Access.

After the relaxing backdrop of Portia, it’s time to get busy and build a brand new adventure. The second in the My Time series from Pathea Games is now available on Steam Early Access and the Epic Games Store, but this is no easy going slice of life sim. Players picking up the sequel to My Time at Portia will find themselves deposited in a town that is facing tough times. Sandrock might have been a glorious city state, but the harsh economic and environmental realities of its location mean that the dwelling could use a little help.

Now, players can jump on board a train to Sandrock and become the town’s newest Builder. These more than capable crafters have a knack for knocking out all types of public projects, communal constructions, and anything needed to bring glory back to Sandrock.

This new town builder still holds true to much of the My Times series, with an inviting look, solid gameplay, and plenty to do. Along the way, ASandrcok will need plenty of repairs, with lots of work orders up for completion. Labor saving machines like elevators and excavators and help when mining deep in the desert, while reseeding and farming the surrounding landscape is essential to keep the town fed. There are countless projects and tasks that need doing to keep the town from degrading, but that’s not all.

Like any good slice of life sim, Sandrock hosts a ton of side quests and opportunities to interact with the residents. Choose to complete jobs and tackle hundreds of sidequests to earn higher Builder ranks and advanced commissions, or stroll through the town to get to know locals, and maybe even discover a love interest. Over 40 new NPCs are in place just for this launch, with a glut of systems and updates likely before the game hits its full release. With so much to do it’s hard to describe in just one news piece. You can find out more about My Time at Sandrock over at the official Steam and Epic stores, where it is available for $24.99 or local equivalent.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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