Old School RuneScape Summer Summit Unveils a Huge Expansion

Old School RuneScape - player beside their ship

Old School RuneScape’s Summer Summit has revived some returning events and an incoming expansion for the MMORPG.

Old School does it best sometimes and this weekend is one example. The Old School RuneScape Summer Summit just revealed a ton of new content coming to the much-loved MMO, and it includes a gigantic expansion.

Sailing is already bobbing over the horizon for old school players, and this is probably the least surprising bit of news for the weekend event. The new skill has been going through the refinement stage of development and has now reached a point where the community will get to share their feedback via a lock-in vote. Providing this vote passes, Sailing will enter full development and progress towards beta.

Sailing, however, blows in on the winds of a new era or exploration. This sea faring system will feature as part of the biggest area expansion in RuneScape history as the open ocean becomes an explorable environment. Not only will you get to jump aboard a vessel and head out into the great blue yonder, but Sailing includes the option to customize their ship, add a range of facilities that can be used to train the Sailing skill, and trade up to bigger and better ships.

Coming Back

The Deadman Apocalypse, that we covered in its first iteration, is coming back. This competitive fight is one of the game’s most exciting environments. The PvP quest begins this Friday, August 25th and runs until Saturday, September 16th, featuring a $25,000 prize pool.

Leagues 4: Trailblazer Reloaded

races back onto Old School RuneScape. This time limited event is a race to the top. Starting with no exp or items, players must race across Gielinor with boosted XP and drop rates, a custom task list, and lots of powerful relics to unlock. The new race adds in new tasks, new relics, new areas and of course, all the updates that have come to the game since Trailblazer ended in 2021.

Game Expansion

OSRS - new expansion map

As if the sea wasn’t enough, the new Varlamore Expansion drops soon in OSRS. This isolated kingdom is full of new bosses, new skilling activities, the introduction of the Hunting Guild, and new quests. It’s so expansive that it will roll out over several updates and begins in early 2024.

If you’re ready to dip your toes into what’s coming soon, check out the upcoming vote for Sailing over on the official Old School RuneScape website now and head out on PC and mobile.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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