Open World Play May Become the Norm for Zelda Games Going Forward

If you loved the open world of Breath of the Wild, you’ll be happy to hear today’s news. Speaking to Famitsu, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma said that this open world concept could become the norm going forward.

Open world = open air

During the interview with Famitsu asked if making “open air” Zelda games is difficult as well as how dungeons fit in. Aonuma ignored all but the “open air” question by answering, “In think that, in the future, open air games will be the standard for Zelda.”

We can’t honestly say that all future Zelda games will be open world, but it’s nice to consider. Additionally, having the team already thinking so early on  about the concept is promising.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been widely praised for open world. IGN even called it “a master class in open-world design…that reinvents a 30-year-old franchise”. If developers can keep up with the promising (re)start of Breath of the Wild, the franchise seems to be on solid ground going forward.

You can check out more by watching IGN’s video. We’ll keep you posted going forward!

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