The Crew 2 – Cruisin’ for a bruisin’

You race your way through the air, you are doing a barrel roll and showing off as you race another plane through the finish line. The hair on your head would be whipping back and forth from the wind if not for the helmet you are wearing. The Crew 2 picks up where the first one left off in terms of gameplay, graphics, and open world story missions. Your character selection process begins with picking your perfect avatar for the story ahead.  This is our review of The Crew 2.

Developed by Ivory Tower and Published by Ubisoft, comes an open world racing game that will you drive around without having anything specific to do and just have fun free roaming. For starters, the map is split into 4 different sections, The West, The Midwest, The South, and finally The East Coast. Each area is full of missions and races that can be unlocked by completing the trials of each motorsport family. You will explore areas of the United States in stunning detail, areas like the Golden Gate Bridge, New York City, and even the swamps of Florida. You will be able to compete in races on both asphalt and off-road, you will be able to race through the waves of dams and other areas of water, and you will be able to take to the sky to shock and awe your fans.

There are four families that you will be dealing with in this game that will allow you to rank up your character. The first group is Street Racing, you will race inside of cities to raise your follower count and to earn money for newer street racing cars. The Pro Racing team is set up to allow you to race in a boat, a plane, and yes pro circuit cars. Freestyle mode is a mode where you are going to be able to drive around the countryside in all sorts of off-road vehicles, driving through the woods as well as up and down mountainsides, doing whatever tricks you can to earn points. Finally, we come to our last family, the Off-road family is where you will go across many different types of tracks whether they are dirt and asphalt or muddy tracks. All of these different play modes allow you to open more and more missions to earn more followers and increase your overall popularity and rankings to unlock better vehicles and races.

The Crew 2 continues to make the genre better and better. The open world feel when you aren’t racing, the race feels when you are racing. Everything is moving forward in a clear direction and you can still enjoy a little bit of story as you do it. Whether you open up dirt bikes and race those, or race a pro stock car on the track, this game has enough for everyone to do that will allow you to have a blast doing it. The game does have some bugs that I found after the full release came out, with head-turning and the controller controls working or not working. As long as you aren’t having these issues you are golden.

Overall The Crew 2 has been set up for some big improvements to the series and the developer has done a lot to make it fun for everyone. There are lots of missions to unlock, as well as the ability to expand your vehicle library with the money you make in-game from races. You will lose yourself in this game.
  • Multiplayer Gaming
  • Lots of New Vehicles
  • Play with friends
  • Glitches when Steam is Running
  • Controller issues with too many devices plugged in
  • Missing competitive racing
Written by
Long time game enthusiast and writer. I have beta tested a lot of Mmorpg's since I was thirteen including Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Wars The Old Republic. Currently attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for a degree in Game Art and Technology.

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