Ranked Matchmaking Comes to Temtem


The Spring Update has finally landed in Temtem that brings a number of features to the game. Most notably, players will now be able to participate in Ranked Matchmaking where players earn points for wins and face off against similarly-ranked players.

Ranked Mode is in its infancy with only the most basic features enabled for now. All creatures are “auto-scaled” during ranked matches. Each is raised to the level cap for the duration of the fight. For now, winning a battle earns players points that determine their next ranked battle. In the future, players will also earn pansun, the game’s currency, but it is currently disabled pending further testing.

Other new features include:

  • Spectator Mode
  • Battle Log that “will summarize every known Temtem in the battle with all the data needed”.
  • New Status Conditions – Evading, Alerted
  • Player intros and outros in PvP matches
  • Bug fixes and a balance pass

This is the first significant update to the game since launching earlier this year. You can check out the patch notes by visiting the Temtem official site.

About Temtem

Every kid dreams about becoming a Temtem tamer; exploring the six islands of the Airborne Archipelago, discovering new species, and making good friends along the way. Now it’s your turn to embark on an epic adventure and make those dreams come true.

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