Star Citizen Just Added a $48,000 Digital Ship Option

Star Citizen

Star Citizen just dropped a new in game package with over 175 ships for the space faring experience.

Got any money left after the holidays? Don’t worry if that wedge of cash is making sitting down difficult. The team behind Star Citizen has that sorted. Dispense with the effort of hauling $48000 around and dispense with it on the compact and weightless Legatus Game Package. Featuring over 175 ships, various attachments and a page full of other in game items, you’ve got to ask why?

Described as a ‘definitive armada is an equal match to the noble title of Legatus Navium,’ this contains every ship released and concepted through 2953. From the more standard Syulen Fighter and Avenger Titan, right through to the Carrack Expedition and beyond. The pack isn’t just ships. It adds in just about every livery, plushies, rifles, armor, and paint jobs to the bundle. Yet, it’s all in game items for a game that hasn’t even let Alpha development yet.

Star Citizen might have blown onto the Kickstarter scene back in 2013with promises of a vast explorable sci-fi universe and incredible levels of adventure but it’s now more notable for the scope creep, hugely expensive pledge tiers, and over $600,000,000 budget from future pioneers in this frontier. While I’m not here to tell you what to do with your money, a house deposit or a $401K sounds like a solid option when we don’t even have a launch date yet.

If you’re not short of a few gold, head over to the Star Citizen website to spend a few hours browsing the latest starship on offer. For the rest of us, there are less expensive options, or even Frontier’s Elite Dangerous.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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