They Suspect Nothing is Go!

They Suspect Nothing

English indie outfit Coatsink has something of a history of VR games. The quirky puzzle series Esper, the gloriously gorgeous A Night’s Sky, and VRRPG Augmented Empire all bring exceptional experiences to the Samsung Gear VR. Now, the team has made the jump to Facebook’s new headset with They Suspect Nothing.

Out now, on the Samsung Gear VR and Facebook’s new Oculus Go platform, They Suspect Nothing might possibly the world’s first VR post-apocalyptic infiltration simulator. Priced at $7.99 / €7.99 / £5.99, this part puzzler and part party game escapade put players on a world ruled by robots. As the last human on earth, players must infiltrate a silicon society by carrying out a series of tasks. A comedic series of mini-games that challenge adventurers to conduct open heart surgery, pilot drones, and instigate an apocalypse quickly ensue.

A whole host of other experiences await anybody ready to take on our new robot overlords, with a free DLC update later this year. You can find out more about this new adventure at the official website.

As the last human on earth, you must infiltrate a robot-only society by completing a series of bizarre human detection tests. Assuage suspicion with machine-like efficiency as you conduct open part surgery, pilot a drone, manage rush hour in an explosives plant, instigate Armageddon in a cataclysm simulator, plus eight other irreverent and humorous experiences. Meanwhile, your progress will be tracked by Axel, Nerezza and The Operator, the three instructors charged with tending each department and deciding your fate. Relax… They suspect nothing.

Some of the game’s features:

  • 12 hilarious mini-games with multiple difficulties
  • 3 unique hubs and instructors
  • A customizable robot avatar and local leaderboards
  • A full voice cast featuring Jim Broadbent
  • Comfortable ‘pass and play’ gameplay

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