Times Have Changed, But DOOM is Eternal!

DOOM Eternal

Can you believe it has been twenty-five years since DOOM was released to gamers everywhere? Since its release, this IP has garnered views from everywhere. It has brought us sequels, spin-offs, comics, and even a full-fledged action movie starring The Rock. With that being said this year looks to be full of celebration for the game. The fans have been following the game for a very long time. They have killed lots of monsters, they have collected the guns, and have always come back with an unwavering support of the franchise and all things DOOM.

You can watch the DOOM 25th Anniversary trailer here:

Slayers unite at www.SlayersClub.com and receive your exclusive Zombie DOOM Slayer skin for DOOM Eternal when it comes out. Stick with us for more details about how to participate in the Year of DOOM. There will be information that includes exclusive content, events, contests, and a whole lot more for all you Slayers out there.

Side note that you must purchase DOOM Eternal to receive this skin and may not be available to members in all countries. Restrictions may apply.

Get ready for the Year of DOOM Slayers!

From Zenimax Studios, what more do you need to know?

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