ESO – Investigate a Mysterious Daedric Threat in Gold Road Prologue Quest

The developers of MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online invite players to purse the Dremora Torvesard as he searches for his master. This new adventure is available during the Gold Road Prologue quest, free for all ESO players. To kick off this year’s adventure, grab the new quest starter from the in-game Crown Store. It is titled “Prisoner of Fate”.

In this quest, players will encounter and join forces with Leramil the Wise, an agent of Hermaeus Mora. Your common task is to track down the enigmatic Torvesard who draws ever closer to locating his master, the Forgotten Prince Ithelia. In this adventure, you will uncover long-hidden secrets related to the return of this all-powerful Daedric Prince—secrets that could spell disaster for Tamriel and Oblivion alike.

Completing the Prologue awards players with the Mirrormoor Mudcrab pet as a bonus reward.

Gold Road, the Elder Scrolls Online’s latest expansion, arrives on PC/Mac on June 3, 2024. Xbox and PlayStation players will receive the update on June 18, 2024. Pre-purchase Gold Road now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch in addition to immediate access to Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount.

ESO: Gold Road Features Include:

  • Brand New Elder Scrolls Story: For the first time in The Elder Scrolls Online, a new Daedric Prince walks Tamriel. Forgotten to even her most devout followers, Ithelia has returned. Why has she returned now? And what are her followers’ plans for West Weald? Embark on an adventure to preserve reality before the threads of fate unravel in Ithelia’s wake.
  • Explore a New Zone: Venture into West Weald, an Imperial region last seen in TES IV: Oblivion, now threatened by the encroaching Valenwood jungle and Daedric incursions. Defend the Colovian capital city of Skingrad, investigate the wilds of the Dawnwood, and explore ancient Ayleid ruins and the mountainous Colovian Highlands, all endangered by the chaos of Ithelia’s return.
  • Scribing: Delve into the heart of magic itself with Scribing, a unique system that allows you to customize your playstyle in new and exciting ways. Collect special skills and modify their effects and functionality to make them yours. With Scribing, you truly have the freedom and power to play your way.
  • Discover Greater Adventure: Dive into a challenging new 12-person trial called the Lucent Citadel, contend with dangerous world events and bosses, immerse yourself in captivating new delves and public dungeons, earn unique in-game rewards, and much more.
Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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