Unforetold: Witchstone – Out Now In Early Access

Developer Spearhead Games released Unforetold: Witchstone into Steam Early Access. Players can expect to find an RPG sandbox with a deep, reactive influence system that allows you to shape the fate of the world.

The developers stress that each choice made along your journey feeds into a non-linear narrative system that changes relationships and outcomes dynamically. Gone are the days of laborious quest chains as you enter into a freer world of milestones and opportunities where you choose who to help, what to do, and what you aim to achieve.

The team from Spearhead Games expects Unforetold: Witchstone to remain in Early Access for about a year. This version features roughly half of the game’s final content, including the story, classes, abilities, and so forth. Currently, it has all major cRPG systems built-in: character creation/customization, turn-based combat, stealth, influence system, etc. However, they are all work-in-progress.

“We are entering Early Access so that we can collect feedback on our unique influence system, sandbox RPG mechanics, the overall gameplay loop and how players can affect the world. We look to determine what changes, if any, need to be made in order to bring the game in-line with the expectations of tabletop RPG and CRPG fans.”

Check out the game’s first Community Update to learn more about the Early Access and the game at large.


  • Narrative: Story stops at the end of Act 1
  • Townships: Kalsundar, Howling Valley, Riverfort
  • Dungeons: Luckhaven, Temple of the Dead, Hermit’s Woods
  • Progression: Max level 6
  • Archetypes & Specs: Fighter (Blademaster, Gunslinger, Spellsword), Wizard (Elementalist, Enchanter, Spell Sniper), Rogue (Thief, Spellslinger, Assassin), Cleric (Sage, War Priest)
  • Ancestry: Human, Elf, Dwarf
  • Equipment: Common, Uncommon, Rare
Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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