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Metal Gear Survive Review

Metal Gear Survive Review

How do I say this? Metal Gear Survive is not the worst Metal Gear game you’ll play. But it’s also not a Metal Gear game. It’s Konami’s attempt at capitalizing on the success of...

6 Fair

Metal Gear Survive – Updates Incoming

Metal Gear Survive may have had a lackluster first few days, but Konami isn’t deterred. To celebrate the game’s launch, players can pick up a daily login bonus through March 3rd, and Konami has alread...

Metal Gear Survive Review in Progress

Metal Gear Survive is not a BAD game. But it didn’t need the Metal Gear name, and it certainly should have avoided common “survive” tropes like eating and drinking. But, if you take ...


Where is our Metal Gear Survive coverage?

Don’t fret! We are reviewing Konami’s latest MGS spinoff, and the first game in the Metal Gear franchise with zero Kojima involvement. Since it’s an online game, Steam codes that wer...

Metal Gear Survive System Requirements

With the release date of Metal Gear Survive rapidly approaching, Konami has decided to share the PC requirements with the community. At the minimum, the game would require: OS: Windows 7×64, Wind...


Metal Gear Survive Open Beta Begins for PS4 & XBox One

If you’re a console player into coop survival games, you’ll be happy to hear that Metal Gear Survive is running an open beta weekend. You can download and play the game from today through ...

Metal Gear Survive

Watch Metal Gear Survive In Action

Dare we be sacrilege? This actually looks good, people. I mean, the environments seem a little meh, or as PCGamer puts it: Despite the boring environments, my interest remains piqued. The base-buildin...


Metal Gear Survive Console-Only Beta Dated

If you’ve been looking forward to trying out Metal Gear Survive, the series’ latest, and if you’re a Playstation 4 or XBox One owner, we have good news for you. The first-ever beta i...

Konami Shares Metal Gear Survive Release Date

Through its Twitter, Konami has shared the release date of the upcoming spin-off of Metal Gear Solid series as well as some bonus content for pre-ordering the game. Metal Gear Survive will launch on F...

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