Quick Hit Reviews

Iron Tides

Our Early Access Review of Iron Tides

Iron Tides is a turn based, survival game with rogue-like elements. Oh and VIKINGS! Developed by Indie dev team CrashWave Games Inc. Iron Tides was kickstarted back in November 2016 and had reached it...

Super Cloudbuilt

Our Super Cloudbuilt Review

Super Cloudbuilt begs you not to slow down. Its levels are expansive and guideless, filled with floating platforms. You’ll wall run, jet boost and Hail Mary leap across the abyss, blowing the last of ...

Aporia review

Our Aporia: Beyond the Valley Review

When reviewing any game, it’s hard not to draw some initial comparisons to other predecessor games. Seeing Investigative North’s Aporia defined as a first-person, puzzle adventure game, coupled with s...

Serial Cleaner

Our Serial Cleaner Review

You know, as much as I would love for it to be so, writing about video games is not my day job. It’s a volunteered labor of love, and I sink my heart and soul into it. But the fact is, the thing...

You Should Be Playing… Slime-San: Blackbird’s Kraken

According to some, the definition of insanity is to repeat the exact same process over and over again and expect different results. In gaming, it could be the genre of speed platformers… is that a thi...


Crash Force 1-Hour Review

Crash Force is made by Arscanio Entertainment and is described as an online multiplayer arena shooting game at its core with RPG and racing elements. It’s set in an alternate sci-fi universe where hov...


Antihero is a Whole New Kind of Strategy

The launch of Anithero is upon us. Built by Tim Conkling and published by the folks at Versus Evil, Antihero is probably best described as a cross between X-Com, Thief, and the Civilization games. It&...

Micro Machines World Series

Micro Machines: World Series Let This Fan Down

I wanted to love Micro Machines: World Series, so badly. I have utterly fond memories of the top down racers of the 90s, and recently fell almost in love with VooFoo Studios Mantis Burn Racing, too. B...


Ripcoil is the Pong in VR, And That’s Awesome

I recently received my Oculus Rift, courtesy of Oculus PR, for the purpose of writing about and reviewing games here and over at MMORPG.com. Like any good digital storefront, the Oculus Store is havin...

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