Amnesia: The Bunker is a new installment in Frictional Games‘ Amnesia franchise, where players equip themselves with a revolver and a noisy flashlight and explore a World War I bunker from the p...
Frictional Games has announced that Amnesia: The Bunker is ready to inspire new nightmares for players around the world. The first-person horror game is the newest iteration in the series and is now a...
Frictional Games has bad news for fans eagerly awaiting the PC/Steam release of Amnesia: The Bunker. Due to “unforeseen certification issues,” the game’s release is now planned for a...
Frictional Games has announced that Amnesia: The Bunker, the latest in the popular horror series, will launch on May 16, 2023. The game will be available for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation systems. During ...
Frictional Games has announced that it is rebooting the Amnesia horror series with the announcement of Amnesia: The Bunker. The new game is currently in development and the team is shooting for a 2023...