Honkai Star Rail dropped a new animated short featuring Rappa and some unusual adversaries. Get another look ahead and wonder over the deeds of a Dazzling Ninja before Rappa brings justice to the fien...
Strike like lightning and be the shadow if you pull Moze. Check out more about this upcoming character in a new trailer. HoYoverse just dropped a new trailer for the other Star Rail version 2.5 charac...
Honkai Star Rail has announced a new Warp banner featuring 5-star Fu Xuan. Trailblazer best prepare those passes. A new banner drops on 20 September with boosted drop rates for the 5-star character Fu...
Hoyoverse has announced that PlayStation 5 owners will only have to wait until 11 October before boarding Honkai Star Rail Hoyoverse might be busy preparing to stop at Star Rail Version 1.3 Phase 2 on...
Honkai Star Rail has just kicked off a new in game phot event giving away a bunch of free Jade to happy snappers. Did you know Honkai Star Rail has an in-game camera. Well, now you do, it’s probably w...
Honkai Star Rail, the upcoming turn-based battler from HoYoverse, got a new trailer as part of the Tokyo Games Show special event. During a deep dive into the full expanse of titles from the Otakus at...