Toei Animation is brining its first indie title to Tokyo Game Show, the horrific NOROI KAGO: the Grudged Domain. Forget the magical girls and adventurous pirates, publisher Toei Animation is about to ...
Can’t make it to the Tokyo game Show? Don’t Worry. Tokyo Game Show is dipping into VR with the launch of an online metaverse space showcasing the biggest titles at the event. Over 30 companies will op...
Wanted: Dead dropped an intense combat teaser as 110 Industries takes this intense hack and slash adventure to Tokyo Game Show. It’s fair to say that Wanted: Dead seriously impressed us during Gamesco...
505 Games is going to TGS and bringing a bunch of exclusive titles to the floor. Get ready to go to Tokyo Games Show, metaphorically. As we’re all recovering form Gamescom 2022, 505 Games is preparing...
Square Enix has been on hand during the Tokyo Game Show 2020 Online (TGS 2020) with a new trailer for Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – D...
Tokyo Game Show looks like the latest in a long line of gaming events cancelled by coronavirus. It is hardly going to come as a surprise to any of you reading this that the upcoming Tokyo Game Show ha...