Become a Canine Hero in To the Rescue

Little Rock Games and Freedom Games have announced that players will be able to become canine superheroes when To the Rescue Launches in fall 2021. The game will be released for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. Players will be able to purchase the game for $19.99 with 20% of profits from sales of the game will be donated to local pet shelters.

Players take on the role of an intrepid shelter worker assisting adorable puppers in finding their forever homes. But it’s not all fun and pets. Players will need to maintain and expand the shelter alongside feeding, medicating, and playing with the doggos, balancing finances, finding investors, and, of course, finding the perfect family for each one.
Every pooch has its own personality. It’s important to get to know each dog and find out what makes them unique. People have their preferences too, so learning what they’re looking for in a pupper is critical when making matches that will last a lifetime. Between visits from potential pet parents, there’s never a dull moment. Shelters have plenty of mouths to feed and treating illnesses like kennel cough is always a concern.

Then there are logistics to worry about. It takes no shortage of supplies to keep the operation up and running. Meanwhile, someone has to manage the finances and make sure to keep the lights on. Shelters need to be thrifty and make hard decisions. Hiring staff and dealing with investors is as much a part of the job as scritching Rex behind the ears and giving Fido belly rubs. There can be tough times, but at the end of the day helping dogs find their forever homes is always worth it.

Check out the To the Rescue official site to learn more.

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