Coming from Michael Green (Logan, Blade Runner 2049) and Amber Noizumi, Blue Eye Samurai is a new animated series that premieres November 3rd only on Netflix. The series follows Mizu, a mixed-race master of the sword who lives a life in disguise seeking the deliverance of revenge. From a brutal time that fears and hates her, a warrior will rise.
“Driven by a dream of revenge against those who made her an outcast in Edo-period Japan, a young warrior cuts a bloody path toward her destiny.”
To prepare the viewers for the arrival of the show, Netflix shared the full episode on the Youtube page. Additionally, the team participated in the special Behind the Animation video that you can find below. In it, the developers explain their choices of the medium, delve into the importance of choreography, the show’s unique blend of 2D and 3D, and much more.
“Get a special behind-the-scenes look at the making of Blue Eye Samurai, exploring the research, craft and beautiful artistry- featuring the creators, director, production designer and stunt choreographer.”