Check Out the New Trailer for Wayfinder

Wayfinder, the upcoming new MMO from Digital Extremes, dropped a new trailer and it looks awesome.

Wayfinder, the upcoming fantasy MMO from the publisher that put ninjas in space, dropped a ton of new details last night. Top of the pile is a brand new trailer for the new adventure, showing off more of the incoming adventure, heroes, foes, and challenges that await. The 166 seconds of footage might not seem like a full walkthrough, but it’s more than enough to get an idea what’s coming to gamers on PC and PlayStation 5.

Wayfinder is a brand new MMORPG stepping out into adventure on PC and console soon, and it looks bloody brilliant. Brought to life by developer Airship Syndicate and publisher Digital Extremes, this fantasy ports players to the world of Evenor. While the trailer might make it look luscious, an encroaching Gloom has swallowed the land. Darkness and destruction coalesce upon central beacons, and a manner of twisted creatures now run amok. We get a look at some of these, as well as the character that will push back the darkness. These Wayfinders are echoes of heroes past that can be customized in innumerable ways. The new trailer also gives us a glimpse of the Highlands, a huge open world play area Skylight, the core player hub, as well as dungeons, character mechanics, and tons more.

It’s no wonder the likes of ex Wildstar staffer Stephan Frost are keeping a close eye on this one, and we are too. Although this definitely isn’t like any MMORPG you’ve seen before We’ve got more coming on Wayfinders, but until then head over to the official website to register for updates and closed testing now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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