Dragon Quest Builders 2 Pre Purchase Begins

Tool up with sword and saw, Dragon Quest 2 Builders Pre Purchase begins today. Square Enix has just launched pre-orders for the next Dragon Quest Builders title and revealed a whole host extra DLC detail.

Coming to Nintendo Switch on 12 July, Dragon Quest Builders 2 I the sequel to the acclaimed twist on traditional RPGs. The original Dragon Quest mixed RPG and Minecraft, pushing crafting mechanics to an addictive extreme. Dragon Quest Builders 2 continues this tradition and starts players out on the Island of Awakening. From here, up to four players can explore the world via online or local wireless play. As they venture out into the world, builders can gather materials and craft more than just shimmering armor. Weapons, buildings, and entire towns can be constructed with a little effort and imagination. This mix of traditional RPG quest and builder has already proved a hit, and the second iteration is likely going to be just as successful.


Square Enix has also unveiled details on the post-launch content. One free DLC and three paid DLC packs will drop, starting on 26 July. Available separately or as a season pack, these extra additions unlock access to new locations to explore, new recipes, new quests, and a bunch of cosmetic customizations.

Near the end of July, two DLC will finish construction. The free Knickkacnk Pack is the first of these and includes three new recipes to create a Pretty Paddle, Celebratory Soup, and an Omate Adornment. The second of these is called the Hotto Stuff Pack, individually priced at $5.99, and adds more than 40 recipes to design and build structures that take inspiration from the Hotto Steppe.

The final two DLC packs are due to drop on 2 August and 9 August consecutively. Costing $9.99 each, the Aquarium Pack and the Modernist Pack are appropriately named extras. The first of the two, the Aquarium Pack, unlocks access to a fishing island with 40 different fish to catch and display in a DIY aquarium. The final pack, the Modernist Pack, contains more than 70 recipes to construct modern-looking structures, as well as hairstyles and clothing.

Bonus Builds

Players pre-ordering either the upcoming season pass and/or the base Dragon Quest Builders 2 game will also receive extra bonus items once the game launches. That is a whole heap of content. If you are a fan of crafting your way to victory or loved the original Dragon Quest Builders game, pre-orders are open for the Dragon Quest Builders 2 now. The season pass is also up for pre-order, at a discount, for $20.99 on the Nintendo eShop.

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