Hardspace: Shipbreakers Gets Business Is Booming Update

It looks like Hardspace: Shipbreakers is doing a roaring trade as Blackbird Interactive and Focus Home Interactive have announced a new Business Si Booming Update to the space scrapper.

If you want o get a bit further away from the fam this year than upstairs then space sandbox Hardspace now has plenty more for you to do. Set all the way up in orbit, this Early Access title launched itself onto Steam back in June 2020. Equipping players with cutting edge salvage tech, it challenged anybody adventurous enough to grab a cutting tool and pay off their sizeable debt by disassembling defunct space salvage in zero-g.

Now live, the Business Is Booming update adds in a brand-new ship archetype and the Demo Charge tool for fresh salvaging opportunities! The new Javelin ship archetype parks an entirely new challenge in orbit for crew clambering over this hull. Designed to feel entirely different to the current fleet of vessels featured in Hardspace, entrepreneuring players will need to work their way around a bunch of external features that should make life a little more interesting going forward.

To aid anybody in taking down this new carcass, the Demo Charge tool should provide something of an explosive start to any operation. This new tool can be placed or freely thrown before remote detonating, hopefully giving a little time to get away before an explosive force and a vacuum rich environment create havoc.

As well as the two headlining changes in the Business is Booming update, Hardspace also gets a revamp of the tool durability system and a bunch of quality of life updates with this free add on. Anybody who has not already tested themselves in outer space can check out more about the Hardspace: Shipbreakers Business Is Booming Update and the base game over on the official Steam Store page, and check out our beginner tips to make sure that you can cash in quick.

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