I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, the extraterrestrial narrative tale from indie publisher Finji, is getting a PlayStation release.
Confirmed by Sony in a recent blog post and due to launch across the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, I Was A teenage Exocolonist will be available to this console cohort on 25 August. Building on the initial reveal that this title will come to PC and Mac, this news brings a unique looking adventure to a whole new audience that will be able to grow up in a strange new world.
You can catch the announcement trailer for this new above, but the latest from Finji will take us ion a very different type of space faring adventure. It will ask players to spend their teenage years on another planet, making their way through several formative years in a narrative experience that mixes RPG mechanics with card-based battles. As expected, you’ll be able to grow up, fall in love, explore the boundaries of your homestead on a different planet, and save your colony. As you make decisions and play through this tale, every decision could influence the survival of that same colony.
To celebrate the news that PlayStation owners will have this opportunity to escape the clutches of Earth, developer Northway Games dropped a blog to highlight the art of I Was A Teenage Exocolonist and how the setting, creature and character design support the dynamic narrative.
“One of the themes of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is exploration and discovery. Both exploring the possibilities of your own life and identity as you grow up and decide who you will be, and exploring a lush and wild alien planet. So, I knew from early on in development that the art should be beautiful, and that we needed a strong palette color-coded to the planet Vertumna’s changing seasons.” says Sarah Northway, founder of Northway Games.
With an identity all its own and a unique take on growing up, this is sure to be one to keep tabs on if you love narrative games. Take a further dip into the recent blog and find out more about I Was A teenage Exocolonist at the game website.