Lego Bricktales Builds Up To A Q4 Release

Lego Bricktales, the beautiful brick building brain teaser from Thunderful games, is coming to PC and Consoles in Q4 2022.

Thunderful Games has confirmed that Lego Bricktales, the brilliant free form adventure that is based on the hugely popular children’s toy, is coming to PlayStation Platforms, Nintendo Switch and PC in the last quarter of 2022. This means that somewhere between Autumn and Fall, players will be able to build an adventure that is a little less fantasy than the Lego Star Wars or Lego Marvel titles and requires some construction skills.

Set across 5 different LEGO themed biomes, the latest creation from developer behind Bridge Constructor will ask players to use a piece by piece mechanic to create constructions and solve puzzles. Using whatever solution works, given the in game physics, players can snap together a solution. That could be a simple stall or a fully functioning gyrocopter. Who knows what you’ll create.
When we tried out Lego Bricktales at WASD, this was no pushover. In each potential puzzle, a Lego diorama unfolds, and construction spots signal a new challenge. With tons of characters to help, lots of Lego sets to explore, and an ingenious puzzle system, we lost way too much time in this.

“We know that LEGO fans across the world will be incredibly excited to get their hands on LEGO Bricktales,” said Dieter Schoeller, Vice-President of Production at Thunderful. “That’s why it’s so great to be able to announce that the game is coming to such a wide-range of platforms. Across PlayStation, Xbox, Switch and PC, we are ensuring that as many people as possible are able to play and enjoy this title and its intuitive brick-by-brick building mechanic.”

For those looking forward to something a little less ‘Hulk Smash’ and a bit more Banner build, then head over to the Steam Store site to Wishlist and check out why we are so excite to put away the real Lego set and try out Bricktales.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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