Merchants of Rosewall Shows Off Playable Heritages

Coming from developer Big Blue Sky Games, Merchants of Rosewall is a story-driven shopkeeper simulation with innovative progression tracking. The game features a fantasy world filled with unusual characters, each offering distinct backgrounds, personalities and ambitions. The game is slated to arrive in Q3 2024.

The developers have taken to Steam to present players with five playable heritages: Giants, Corkgnomes, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs.

  • Attuned to the four elements, the Echo Mountain giants carry an ancient wisdom and calm with them wherever they go.
  • Rough-hewn denizens of the Old Cork, the standoffish corkgnomes abandoned their warlike traditions and embraced the budding society of Rowewall.
  • Adventurous wandered from the Blue Shell mountains. Elvish troupes bring the exotic and esoteric from all over the world to wherever they come to rest.
  • After the Great Flood and the collapse of Rotunda, the dwarves sought a peaceful life on the Fields of Dreams, and built Rosewall around an old Imperial fort.
  • Scholars and traders who conquered the Sandeas in search of knowledge and wealth, the orcs have a string interest in Rosewall’s newfound importance.

Additionally, the developers have revealed the first major location: The Grand Parade. It serves as Rosewall’s central marketplace and hosts local and foreign suppliers, such as the Estoq Trading Company. The team urges players to join their fellow merchants in Discord to participate in the community polls and follow the latest dev updates. Check out more on the official Steam page.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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