Mobile Anime RPG Epic Seven Receive Update

Epic Seven, the mobile anime RPG for Android and iOS, has dropped a brand new update for the title. This update includes new set items, two new characters, and a new skill transition. Game directors Super Creative promise that this update for Epic Seven carries their vision of blending RPG action with visual effects forward.

The two new characters within this update are Silver Blade Amarintha and Blaze Dingo. Amarintha is five-star mage with an attunement to elemental fire. As a captain of the Silver Blade, she is a commanding presence of the battlefield, inspiring heroism in her troops. Blaze Dingo, on the other hand, has a bit of an unsavory background – though some might say it was quite savory! Having served years as chef for the Wild Dog Company, Blaze Bingo seeks to leave his old ways behind, striking out on a new path as a four-star Soul Weaver.

Outside of these new characters, player will be able to transform a three-star Rikoris into Captain Rikoris. This change will improve his overall abilities along with giving him access to the Greatest Spearmanship ability. In order to complete this transformation, Rikoris has to be level 50 and you must complete a series of quests.

These are just a few highlight of the latest update for Epic Seven. Are you going to be checking them out? We would love to know if you are in the comments below.

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