Nyan Heroes Eary Access Arrives With Cats, Mechs, and Plenty of Action

Nyan Heroes Eary Access stomped onto the Epic Games Store last night, with an intriguing new feline friendly hero shooter.

Pick a cat, get in a mech, go blow up thew opposition. An intriguing take on the traditional arena hero shooter just spawned into Early Access last night, and it might be worth a look. Picking ideas that nod to Overwatch, Titanfall, Apex Legends, and more this new team based shoot em up is a free to play fantasy sci-fi experience that you can load up and lock on for absolutely nothing from now until 9 April 2024. Oh, did we mention the cats?

Taking place across a series of maps known as the Battledome, Nyan Heroes is something of a light-hearted leap into a realm of feline focused mech wars. In a fantasy future where sentient a race of Nyans can build mighty robots, the world of Nekovia is gripped by this battle to save the world. Developed by a team with a AAA pedigree and something of a passion for the likes of Neon Genesis Evangelion, this test period unlocks a small slice of what’s to come. Taking anthropomorphic cats and sticking them in a range of massive automatons provides a range of heroes to choose from.

Choose Your Mech


  • Ghost – The ultimate sneak and disruptor

  • Seraph – The sleek, strategic support your team can’t do without

  • Spartan – A formidable blend of power and performance

  • Atlas – The ultimate tank beast

  • Enforcer – Battlefield dominance and long-ranged offense

  • Nomad – Stealth and reconnaissance specialist

  • Mechanic – Battlefield repairs and support

  • Scout – Excel in exploration and alerting teams of threats


For the purposes of this test, this could mean anything from a lumbering blue tank bot to a more agile option. Each of Guardians robot comes equipped with its own abilities to sway the tide of battle, from dropping a shield to airstrikes or incredible feats of movement. Unlike some hero shooters, Nyan Heroes provides some extra flexibility before leaping in, giving players a series of weapon loadouts to choose from. Guns, mods, and gear can mix up your playstyle. Choosing the right weapon can be crucial, switching up the combat options available to a player in game, and of course making a bigger explosion.

How To Get In

Nearly Access testing is open already and it will cost you absolutely nothing to jump in. Don’t expect to find a fully fledged Overwatch 2 competitor quite yet, however. There were only a few maps, a limited number of mechs, a loadout function that is  in development and one objective focused mode available right now. There’s also forthcoming web3 function that we’re assured won’t be wedged in to ruin the game. What we did find when we dropped in last night was a fluid, fun, and intriguing title that, if nothing else, is a fun free to play proposition. You can check out the Nyan Heroes Early Access over on the Epic Games store now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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