Overwatch Patch Notes – New Rialto Map, Hanzo Changes & More

Overwatch Patch Notes Hanzo

Blizzard continues expanding its team shooter Overwatch with new content detailed in the Overwatch Patch Notes. With the Overwatch Archive event over, seasonal map Rialto has joined the roster as a new Escort battlefield. It will be available in the Competitive Play at a later patch.

Rialto was home to Talon agent Antonio Bartalotti’s sprawling estate and the backdrop to the infamous “Venice Incident,” a turning point for Overwatch and Talon.

As always, the developers continue to tweak and change Heroes. The patch takes a closer look at Shimada brothers, Brigitte, Junkrat, Lucio and Tracer.

  • Brigitte: Shield Bash cone angle has been reduced to 60 (from 90)
  • Genji: Deflect hitbox size has been reduced
  • Junkrat: Frag Launcher projectile size decreased from 0.3 to 0.2 and RIP-Tire Movement speed decreased from 13 to 12
  • Lucio: A number of changes to Wall Ride and Soundwave
  • Tracer: Pulse Bomb max damage decreased from 400 to 300

Hanzo has seen the most changes, with a new ability called Storm Arrows replacing Scatter Arrow, an addition of Lunge and tweaks to Sonic Arrow and Storm Bow.

The goal of these Hanzo changes is to allow him to have new options and maintain his high damage output, while removing the frustration of fighting against the old Scatter Arrow. Hanzo is now much more mobile with his new Lunge ability, and with the combination of the bow projectile speed increase and the new Storm Arrows ability he can now deal his high damage more consistently than ever before.

You can find the detailed patch notes with developer insights and a list of fixed issues on the official site.

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