Pearl Abyss Reveal Dokev And We’re Still Not Sure Exactly What It Is

Peral Abyss, the team behind Black Desert and Crimson Desert, just revealed a trailer for the utterly adorable Dokev, and we’re kind of not entirely sure what it is quite yet.

As you’d expect from most of our news today, Opening Night Live at Gamescom 2021 proved the perfect platform to shove Dokev out into the public eye and we were instantly smitten. Nearly four minutes of footage from this upcoming title shows off a fantastically realised world and a bunch of cute animated inhabitants, running around, skateboarding, and generally having a good time. While the premise isn’t immediately clear, it quickly becomes apparent that apart from an up-tempo KPOP soundtrack, Dokev appears to be an open-world monster collection title.

Collecting Information

after checking in with the game, it’s clear that this upcoming game is so much more than a fun looking Pokemon clone. Players dropped into Dokev will get to collect creatures out in the realistic game environment. These Dokebi won’t go down without a fight, however. Players will have to master a real time combat system, to take down obstacles, including some huge boss fights. Seemingly based, at least loosely, on Korean folklore, the idea of creatures that befriend the human population isn’t new but this spark of inspiration has crafted an open world adventure that stood out during our down time last night.

Sang Young Kim, Lead Producer at Pearl Abyss said, “Although the DokeV project is still under development, we are very proud of what we have been able to show you today and feel confident to meet and exceed your expectations. We at Pearl Abyss are excited to see your reactions and hope that you look forward to DokeV”.

You can check out more about Dokev, listen to the uptempo soundtrack, or find out a little more over on the official website now. Dokev is due to hit PC and Console when it does arrive sometime in the future.

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