Play a Different Way With New Tower of Time Content

It’s time to sit back and get ready to return to the land of Artara in the Tower of Time. After launching back in DATE, this upstart CRPG has just unveiled a massive new content update and best of all it is absolutely free.

For any of you that missed its launch on Steam, Tower of Time of a classicly styled CRPG. Think Baulders Gate. Developed by a 10 man indie team and coming out of Poland’s own Event Horizon, this innovative adventure takes players on a story rich descent into this dungeon crawler. This is not just a cinematic approach to old school design either, each encounter in Tower of Time is designed like a tactical puzzle and explorers have a plethora of their own tools to cut a path to victory. Most obvious is Tower of Time’s Arrow-Time combat system, allowing players to slow or pause combat and bringing a new layer to some traditional gameplay.

Now, Event Horizon has dropped two new game modes into Tower of Time. The first of these two new game types is an RPGlite mode. Opening up the entire game’s roster at level 1, players will have access to all 7 champions. Champions can be customized before heading out into the darkness and layers will race to see how far they can descend into the tower before their entire party wipes.

The second game mode is a twist on a classic. Permadeath is exactly what it sounds like. Providing players access to all 7 champions again, the permadeath mode is a final death knell for even the best of the best. Lose a party member in battle and they are gone. There is no safety net in the Tower for this adventure. Permadeath also introduces a brand new difficulty mode called Blood. Blood allows players to upgrade and strengthen their party before the game ramps up the challenge and did we mention it even has a leader board system.

Tower of Time is already out on Steam and has had a generally good reception from its user base. After several months of updates and tweaks, these new game modes are sure to keep things interesting for any veterans of Ar.tara. Check out the Steam store or official website for more information.

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