Punishing: Gray Raven Is Out On PC

Punishing: Gray Raven Is Out On PC - player cahracter slices through an enemy in game

Punishing: Gray Raven now has a port that will lands the ARPG on gaming desktops.

Popular mobile ARPG Punishing: Gray Raven has made the leap to desktops. The anime inspired mobile title is no longer restricted to small screen adventures, with a PC client available to download for free right now. Developer Kuro Game announced the news last night and this means that players looking for a change from the Hoyoverse library of dynamic character driven RPGs have something more of a choice. Initially launched in 2019 to eastern audiences, and only on Android and iOS, Gray Raven is a post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi scenario. With mankind on the brink of extinction and all hope nearly depleted, it’s up to players to pick from a range of cyborg soldiers and venture out to defeat a hideously powerful robot army. Dropping into a range of scenarios from the space station Babylonia, you’ll assemble a team and command the Gray Raven unit.

Despite a long running battel against the machines, Punishing: Gray Raven is set to get new content for the desktop release. A new story chapter, titled ‘Her Last Bow’ is available. This introduces the story of Nanami, a mechanoid traveling across different alternative universes through Future Simulation to find a way to bring the future back to humanity. It also adds the Tank Omniframe Nanami: Starfarer to the ongoing battle. This extra soldier for humanity incorporates a unique combat style that integrates mecha attacks to their move set. This isn’t all that Kuro are adding, with new cosmetic coatings for the Kamui: Tenebrion and Bianca: Veritas frames, and a whole ton of enhancements for big screen gaming.



The PC client features full support for mouse & keyboard and controller, allowing players to experience a vibrant and pulse-pounding battle system to its fullest potential. Alongside the newly intuitive controls comes enhanced graphics, providing a better and more immersive visual experience.

To check out the new way to play Punishing: Gray Raven head over to the official website now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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