Kick off the week by winning Eclipse: Edge of light on Switch or PC, via Steam. We’ve got a copy available for mobile and VR gamers to try out this Sci-Fi adventure game. Just check out the Givelab giveaway at the bottom of this page.
Initially launched o the Google Daydream back in 2017. It follows the path of a shipwrecked explorer, marooned on a distant planet and caught up in the fate of a planet long dead. As you jump into the world full of mysterious artifacts and tales of powerful beings.
- 3+ hours of gameplay
- Full locomotion with smooth and snap turn options.
- You can fly – Jetpack throughout the world
- Original soundtrack throughout
- Truly experience an alien world for the very first time
A fully immersive world, puzzles to solve, and a narrative that encourages you to experience it by exploring the world meant this title received some serious acclaim when it first launched. Now it is available on PSVR, Steam VR, and Nintendo Switch. We weren’t lucky enough to get hands-on back when it ported over in Jan 2020 but suffice to say we have fixed that.
Can you find out what travesty befell the inhabitants of this planet? If you want to see what you’re in for then we jumped in or you. Follow us into Eclipse over on youtube and then drop in below for a chance to win!
The competition is open until Wednesday at 12 PM EST and you can enter from around the world. We will get back to you on social media or email so be sure to keep an eye out for a message and tell us what you think of Eclipse: Edge of Light. To find out more about this enthralling experience check out the Steam Store page, PlayStation Store, or Nintendo eShop where the title will set you back $14.99. Good luck adventurers.