Rebuild Reality In Trinity Fusion

Angry Mob Games if about to save the multiverse with the reveal of action platformer Trinity Fusion.

Just revealed and ready to head out to save reality, Trinity Fusion is a dark sci-fi action platformer that is out to stich the very fabric of the multiverse back together. Brought to life by the minds at Angry mob games, this stylish 2D adventure looks set to cast players in the role of the Hitchhiker. An action ready agent that is connected to her parallel selves, this protagonist must coordinate all her best selves to overcome evil across the boundaries of space time.

Like any decent experience like this, each reality is its own tale of woe. Full of different dangers, backdrops, and challenges, each of the many possible realities players can drop into provides a different stage, a mix of procedurally generated and hand-crafted level. Each biome can ultimately change depending on what route you choose to take, but this group of interdimensional agents each bring their own weapons and abilities to the fight. This could be equipment that afflicts enemies with status effects, deals heavy bursts of damage at a distance with ranged weapons or brings the brawl up close with blades and hammers.

With dozens of unique weapons, dozens of unique weapons from Wrist Claws to Rocket Launchers, upgrades and mods to pick from, there are no end of possibilities on offer across the multiverse. Trinity Fusion might not be coming to PC and consoles until 2023, but you can get hands on at EGX 2022 in London, United Kingdom from September 22nd – 25th or find out more on the official Steam Store page now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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