Elgacia Unlocks Next Week in Lost Ark

Lost Ark will get its latest update on 14 June, opening the doors to the land of Elgacia

Prepare to venture out into new lands and be even more heroic than last month, as Lost Ark unleashes a brand-new update on 14 June. Amazon’s MMOARPG will take the Demon invasion to task when the June update arrive, by taking us all into the land of Lazeniths. The latest update follows on from the most recent set of narrative add ons and finds Arkesia in some serious trouble. With South Vern under constant attack, the Legion Commanders’ powers in ascendance, and Chaos gates seemingly everywhere this expedition might be the land’s last hope.

Players picking up this free update for the fantasy action MMORARPG will find more than just a new map on offer. While the final paradise of Regulus is worth exploring, there’s more to this update than a monumental city of light and the sacred Mount Phylantos. After you’re done exploring these regions and taking in the scenery, there’s a 4-player Abyssal Dungeon that can be accessed after completing the Elgacia narrative. The Kayangel Abyssal Dungeon has two difficulties; Normal and Hard and has 4 gates to save your progress.

• Normal Mode will require Item Level 1540+
• Hard Mode will require Item Level 1580+

This isn’t everything that is incoming. We do know that Amazon plan to add quality of life updates, new player improvements, and new cosmetics. The final 25 floors of the Fortunespire tower will also unlock during June and we will all continue to die repeatedly. To get a list of all the upcoming item level requirements and find out more on this, head to the official Lost Ark website now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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