Endling – Extinction Is Forever Is Coming To Mobile In February 2023

Endling – Extinction Is Forever is coming to mobile devices on 7 February 2023, bringing a unique fox family survival experience to iOS and Android.

While we might think of survival sims as dystopian machine uprisings and sci-fi far, the utterly gorgeous Extinction is Forever has a different tail to tell. Coming soon to Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store, this entirely plausible experience is the story of a lone fox and its cubs in a grim backdrop.

Published by Handygames, the THQ outfit that brought Wreckfest onto the small screen, the mobile port of this title will arrive on small screens as a premium title, costing $/€9.99. Despite on the go gamer’s reluctance to part with their hard earned cash when free to play is available, we think this one is probably going to be worth your time and money. The unexpected scene of a mother fox and her clumsy cubs stumbling across the screen might sound uneventful, but this moving experience takes place among environmental desolation. In a world where humanity clings onto its last breaths, players must guide the last fox on Earth across devastated environments based on current factual issues. Along the way they will care for the following cubs, hunt, gather, and make emotionally wrenching choices. The description is giving me hints of Banne Saga all over again.

Alongside a stunning art style, this version will include all the content of the PC an console versions, alongside new UI controls and full cloud saves. This might not be Chicken Police, but this animal adventure will likely be worth a look when it hits iOS and Android storefronts. Find out more on the official Endling – Extinction Is Forever website now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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