Fayju More Than Hoppy To Spring Amazing Frog? On Android Owners

Amazing Frog? characters in front of arcade machine

Swindon’s newest hero is about to leap into a new port when hilarious superhero sandbox Amazing Frog? lands on Android devices later this year.

After inflicting some chaotic green adventure on iOS owners back in 2019, developer Fayju announced that Amazing Frog? is aiming to make another splash on Android mobiles. Set to arrive on digital storefronts for the other mobile OS later this year, Amazing Frog? is a chaotic sandbox scenario where players take control of webbed warrior Amazing Frog?

Thrust onto the gritty streets of Swindon in the UK, you’ll use this unusual opportunity to make your way through the urban backdrop atop your trusty swine steed and interact with the local denizens of this city. As you traverse the world using a range of vehicles from balloons to frog propelling cannons, you’ll uncover and unlock a wide range of objects.

Plenty of other surprises await too. Costumes, chaotic frog action, and probably some Swindoneese highlights too. Amazing Frog? is as utterly off the wall as it sounds, and it will likely keep getting more bizarre. This port includes every element of the remastered PC release shrunk into a pocket sized play thing, and coming later this year.

The best way to understand what you’re letting yourself in for is to check out the official Steam Store site for something I can barely describe.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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