Black Desert Class Update Brings Parity To PC and Mobile

A Black Desert class update is about to unlock two excusive classes to PC and mobile players beginning 17 January.

Pearl Abyss has announced that MMORPG Black Desert will get a class launch event on 17 January that is going to go cross platform. Instead of the traditional reveal of a stunning new set of classes that nobody has ever seen before, the team behind this popular online adventure are about to let the Woosa and Maegu jump between PC and mobile. Tomorrow,  mobile gamers will unlock the Woosa and PC access to the Maegu will unlock at a later date.

Both classes dip into folklore and lean on traditional ideas to bring an exciting twist to the established gameplay in this MMO. The Maegu was previously a mobile exclusive and is described as a “fox-summoning Do wielder of the Jwado School.” Relying on the power of the Foxspirit, this warrior has a number of powerful capabilities. Using her Foxspirit Charm, she can call on attacks like the Sunflash and Skypounce, while using a range of other skills follow up with area of effect attacks and huge close range damage.

The Woosa was previously available to PC, PlayStation 4|5 and Xbox players. Dropping onto small screen, this class comes in as the twin of the Maegu. While both beautifully choreographed and wielding their own charm weapons, the Woosa is designed to be entirely different to the Maegu. A much lower skills floor and a more leisurely gameplay make this more of a stand off range class than the Maegu.

You can check out more about the Maegu and the Woosa over on the Black Desert Online website, or by checking out the gameplay trailers above. Players eager to try out the PC update can jump in today after the after the Black Desert Global Labs Update to get hands on with this Black Desert class update.
Head over to the official Black Desert website or grab the game for free on iOS and Android storefronts now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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