Genshin Impact Shared a New EP – Night of Dice-Twirling Musings

The developers of anime action-adventure Genshin Impact have shared a new extended play, the Night of Dice-Twirling Musings, featuring a selection of soundtracks relating to Yelan, a Hydro 5-star Archer. Her rerun banner comes today alongside the long-awaited Hu Tao, so don’t miss out!

The EP features three tracks: Lone Drifter, Wandering Clouds and Silent Starry Night.

“It is often cloudy before a spell of heavy rain, much like how buds must sprout before blooming. There are many simple causes and effects in this world, but the simpler they are, the easier they are to ignore. Thus, only those who can meticulously unravel threads of information and adapt accordingly will be able to comfortably sit in the dealer’s chair.”

Genshin Impact Version 3.4 Phase II banners will become active later today.

  • Phase II character banner offers players a chance to try their luck for the long-awaited reruns of Hu Tao (5-star Pyro Polearm) and Yelan (5-star Hydro Bow). The featured 4-stars are Xingqiu (Hydro Sword), Ningguang (Geo Catalyst) and Beidou (Electro Claymore).
  • Phase II weapon banner features the respective signature 5-star weapons: Staff of Homa (Polearm) and Aqua Simulacra (Bow). The 4-star weapons include Lithic Blade (Claymore) as well as Favonius Sword (Sword), Dragon’s Bane (Polearm), Favonius Codex (Catalyst), and Rust (Bow).

Have you decided what you are going to roll for? Check out the Night of Dice-Twirling Musings for some bonus luck in pulling for Yelan or Aqua Simulacra!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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