Mass Effect Legendary Edition – Check Out Dreams Remade Mod

Bioware’s Mass Effect 3 was the conclusion of Shepard’s story – at the very least for now. To reflect the Commander’s rising anxiety and the toll the Reaper war has taken on the family from Normandy in particular and the galaxy at large, Shepard goes through three creepy dream sequences featuring that one child from Earth.

While a poignant and strong experience, players have grown somewhat dissatisfied with the presence of that one child in particular thanks to the ending to the trilogy. Enter the Dreams Remade fan-made mod for Mass Effect Legendary Edition, a way to modify that sequence and make the wear-and-tear of war much more personal for your Commander Shepard.

Coming from Nexus mod-maker Pauju, Dreams Remade mod changes gameplay and cutscenes to give more representation of player choices and reduce the presence of the child. According to the description, Shepard’s movement speed has also been increased while in the dream sequence, although it stays in slow motion.

“The mod menu includes options to have Shepard appear in his casual outfit in the dreams, to have the characters that died in ME1 and 2 use the ME3 uniforms to be consistent with mods like Alliance Uniform Consistency or Cerberus and Alliance Uniform Consistency and an option to have Harbinger use his ME2 appearance for consistency with mods like Harbinger Overhaul Mod or Take Earth Back.”

Follow the links above to see the mod in all its glory as well as to see notes on compatibility with other mods and installation tutorial.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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