New World Team Unleashes the Brimstone Sands Update

New World Brimstone Sands

Amazon Games has announced that the Brimstone Sands update has landed in its signature MMO New World. The update brings players a host of new content to explore including a new zone, challenging new bosses and enemies, and much more. To celebrate the Brimstone Sands launch, the dev team released a new trailer to give viewers a peek at the new content.

Brimstone Sands features:

  • Brimstone Sands Zone: Brimstone Sands is a new zone unlike anything else in Aeternum. This unique area features remnants of an Egyptian kingdom following a war with the Ancients thousands of years ago. Look forward to new enemies to fight, a new territory to control, and new stories to uncover.
  • Revamped Starting Experience: Players can now experience the complete redesign of the first 25 levels of New World. Players who start the game or roll a new character will experience brand new stories and quests. Quest flow through zones has been optimized, and a variety of new quest dynamics have been added, along with new enemies, points of interest, and challenges.
  • Ennead Expedition: Players must challenge the Corrupted Legion head-on and delve into Ancient Ruins where they will face the vigilant Anubian Guardians and solve hieroglyphic puzzles to achieve new power.
  • Greatsword Weapon: The update also introduces a new weapon – the powerful Greatsword. This two-handed blade utilizes stances to adapt to different situations and includes two Weapon Skill Trees – Onslaught and Defiance.
  • Heartgem Abilities: Adventurers can now further customize their playstyle through Heartrune Abilities, including Detonante, Grasping Vines and more.

Developers have also reminded players that the Fresh Start servers will launch on Wednesday, November 2nd. “For those who are new to the world of Aeternum or have not played in a while, now is a great time to revisit” the game.

Check out the New World official site to learn more.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

1 Comment

  1. The update is great

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