What Scientists Think About Video Games Risks and Benefits

What Scientists Think About Video Games Risks and Benefits

Oxford University conducted a unique study on how playing video games impacts psychological well-being. In this article we discuss the possibility of deriving benefits from games and when addiction and issues may arise. Scientists think a lot about video games and why you should play them. We’ve got the details! But first of all, we want to remind you about the competent choice of online casino. It is usually chosen by generous bonuses, reliability, service and the number of available games. All these components you will invariably find at Ozwin Casino.

What are video games?

A computer game is a software program designed to manage gameplay, interact with other players, or act as a virtual opponent. Often, a video game can be used interchangeably with a computer game, as they are essentially synonymous. Computer games typically display the game situation on a screen or TV, which can also be considered video games. They can also be audio-based, teletype, or other formats. Computer games have greatly influenced society with both risks and benefits. These have lead to a growing interest in incorporating game elements into non-game software applications in the field of information technology.

Computer game components


The setting of a computer game refers to the environment where the game occurs, including the place, time, and conditions of action.


Gameplay is what allows players to interact with the game and that benefits the storyline. The gameplay explains the player’s interaction with the game world, how the game world responds to the player’s actions, and how the available actions in the game are decided.


Music in computer and video games refers to the melodies, compositions, or soundtracks found in these games. Soothing and exciting music have many benefits for players.

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Computer games critique

Obsession with gaming

Being addicted to gaming involves developing an intense obsession with video games and computer games, leading to psychological addiction. Addiction forms easily when the game becomes a way to address the player’s psychological and personal issues.

Games provide an opportunity to step into a different persona, express emotions that may be suppressed in real life (such as aggression), and deal with anxiety from real-life relationships by immersing oneself in a virtual world.

Violence and video games on computers

According to the findings of many studies, there is no correlation between playing violent video games and engaging in aggressive conduct. There is a paucity of scientific evidence that links video games to the bad impacts that are commonly associated with them, according to experts who participated in the discussion in the United States Senate.

The opinions of politicians, psychologists, educators, and other critics are different from the perspectives of players, who perceive the game as a big and anticipated event in their life. Players’ impressions of games are molded by their own experiences as users, and hence differ from the perspectives of other critics.

Despite the fact that an increasing number of people are coming around to the idea of playing computer games, there is still a portion of the population that is skeptical of them or completely disapproves of them. The majority of the time, they hold this stance because they are concerned about the increasing levels of violence in the society that can be traced to video games.

The comparatively young age of the culture that surrounds video games is a topic that is frequently brought up via the process of debating video game criticism. The vast majority of people that play video games are often young individuals who are under the age of 35 on average. As a result, the vast majority of influential people have never participated in the activity of playing video games.

The absence of personal experience and the general distrust of official authorities towards the entertainment industry may have influenced the social discourse surrounding games and players.

Many people believe that gaming negatively impacts children, but actually, there are many benefits coming from it. However, this belief stems from events like the Columbine shooting in 1999, where two teenagers were dressed as violent game characters, leading to a negative perception of video games among adults.

Interestingly, many criminologists argue that the rise of computer games, especially online ones, has resulted in a decrease in street crime.

What are the signs of gambling addiction?

Online games, particularly MMORPGs, are often seen as the most captivating games. Playing for extended periods has resulted in tragic outcomes in some instances. In October 2005, a Chinese girl named Snowly passed away due to exhaustion from playing World of Warcraft for an extended period.

Computer games frequently face criticism. Several scientists argue that they can lead to addiction similar to alcohol and drugs, but there is no agreement on this matter yet.

World Health Organization added gaming disorder to the 11th list of the International Classification of Diseases in June 2018.

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Causes of addiction

Various factors play a role in the development of gambling addiction. One key factor that can make a person more vulnerable to developing an addiction to computer games is an unformed or unstable psyche, lack of self-control skills, dissatisfaction with real life, and the desire to compensate for unfulfilled life needs.

Gambling addiction can also be caused by mental disorders. We will discuss different anxiety disorders, a predisposition to depression, and social phobias. Virtual reality immersion can assist individuals with psychopathy in self-realization, self-protection, feeling of significance, and achieving psychological well-being, even if only temporarily.

Some analysts believe that the addiction to computer and mobile games is linked to the reward system. Many games, such as massively multiplayer role-playing games and mobile games, follow a particular gameplay pattern. This process includes rewarding the player for their actions and motivating them to keep playing.

Anticipating a reward triggers a chemical response in the body, leading to the release of dopamine, also known as the “pleasure hormone.” Games are created to be engaging, which can increase the likelihood of addiction.

There are nine criteria for diagnosing video game addiction according to the American Psychiatric Association.

  1. The patient frequently thinks about playing, even during other activities, and schedules time to play.
  2. Feeling agitated, frustrated, or upset when attempting to reduce play time or in situations where playing is not possible.
  3. I want to spend more time playing and upgrade to a more powerful computer for this purpose.
  4. The patient needs to cut back on playing time but struggles to control himself.
  5. Choosing computer games over other forms of entertainment like hobbies or meeting with friends.
  6. The patient persists in gambling despite being aware of the negative outcomes of his addiction, such as disrupted sleep, tardiness for school or work, excessive spending, conflicts with loved ones, and neglecting important duties.

The patient deceives relatives, friends, and others about the time spent gambling. Playing the game serves as a distraction from addressing present issues and feelings. Playing the game could lead to negative consequences such as job loss, strained relationships, and missed opportunities.

Study on addiction to computer games

A study was carried out by researchers at Charite University in Germany, where 20 participants were shown screenshots from their favorite games. Their response mirrored the reaction of individuals struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction upon encountering the object of their intense desire.

A study conducted by Nottingham Trent University’s International Gaming Research Unit revealed that 12% of a sample of 7,000 individuals displayed symptoms of online computer game addiction. One-fifth of Facebook’s 250 million users admit to being addicted to gaming.

Several researchers argue that certain criteria for measuring computer game addiction may overstate prevalence rates, lack reliability, and are not appropriate for clinical assessment. Critics often point out that these studies use symptoms associated with drug and gambling addiction, which may not be relevant to computer game use.

According to psychologist Christopher Ferguson, research shows that only a small percentage of gamers, around 1-3%, are significantly impacted by computer games. However, studies with questionable criteria suggest a much higher percentage, around 8-10%.

Exploring the Benefits of Video Games

Exploring the Relationship Between Video Games and Mental Health

According to new research out of Oxford University, playing video games may really be good for your mental health. Science has shown that gamers tend to be happier than people who don’t spend much time playing video games.

Nintendo and Electronic Arts supplied the data used in the study to the specialists at Oxford. Animal Crossing: New Horizons player stats were released by Nintendo, whereas Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville player accomplishments and behavior were shared by EA.

In the poll, players rated their mood and overall health; this data was combined with those evaluations. Everyone who took part in the poll was at least 18 years old; 3,274 people in all. The head of the study, Professor Andrew Przybylski, was taken aback by the results and the benefits that gamers experienced. The researcher hypothesized that the social features in which players interact with others in Animal Crossing and Plants vs. Zombies might cause the discrepancy.

Enhancement of cognitive abilities

It is a common misconception that video games have a negative impact on cognitive function, but research shows that shooter games can actually improve it. Scientists recently conducted an experiment where they divided test subjects with no experience playing shooters into two groups. The first group played only shooters, while the second group played shooters along with games of other genres.

The test results revealed that shooters have many benefits for gamers, such as improving their attention distribution, visual space analysis, and navigation skills.A recent study showed that playing shooter games has advantages for spatial reasoning and orientation similar to educational programs tailored for the same skills. One benefit of using an engaging method for learning is that lessons are shorter, and the results are more long-lasting, even beyond the virtual environment.

Understanding spatial relationships

After 25 years of research and experimentation, scientists Wei, Lubinsky, Bendow, and Stager have found that the growth of spatial perception skills is linked to advancements in science, technology, and engineering. Many researchers stress the significance of this ability for achieving success in one’s career.

Recent research has shown that improving spatial perception skills can enhance how the brain processes incoming information.

A recent study revealed that gamers have lower activity in attention distribution mechanisms compared to non-gamers. Shooting at virtual targets helps teenagers focus on important information and ignore distractions.

Skills in creativity

Several scientists argue that video games provide benefits to creativity. In 2012, psychologist Linda Jackson conducted an experiment involving 500 boys and girls, all 12 years old. The experience showed a link between creativity and video games, but not with technology in general like computers or smartphones.

It is still unclear whether games spark imagination or if creative individuals are just more drawn to games. Recently, gamers successfully resolved a long-standing issue that has puzzled biologists for 15 years. In 2008, a team of researchers from the University of Washington developed and launched an online tool called Foldit, which allows users to simulate protein synthesis. Several years later, a three-week competition occurred, and the champions assisted scientists in decoding the crystal structure of the retroviral protease (M-PMV), responsible for causing AIDS in monkeys. Players could answer a question that had troubled professional researchers for over a decade using a non-linear cooperative approach. The benefits for scientific study are innumerable.


Being deeply immersed and passionate about games can have various positive and negative effects, resulting in a holistic impact that includes both negative and positive aspects.

Viewing “problem gaming” or gaming addiction as negative only makes sense when the impact is unbalanced and leans heavily towards negative effects. This alters the way gambling addiction is perceived and raises doubts about the typical diagnostic tools.

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