Saleblazers Is A Multiplayer Shopkeeping Survival Game

Beat inflation and all the competition in the brand new Shopkeeper Survival Game Saleblazers

Mix together Moonlighter, Let’s Build A Zoo, and survival sims like Valheim and you’ll get an open world shopping adventure that looks set to sweep the isles and put the competition out of business. Airstrafe Interactive has just announced Saleblzaers, a bizarre but ingenious new take on multiplayer survival experiences that ditches open desert and port apocalyptic environments for the grocery store. If this odd mix of ideas seems difficult to imagine, then there’s a new trailer to give potential employers a tease and prepare players for their new day job.

Players picking up this upcoming adventure will get to build their own business empire from the ground up in a dangerous new world. You’ll be able to fish, farm, or craft a variety of shopping experiences. Whether it’s a farmers market, fishmongers, a coffee shop, or a bakery, there are a wealth of potential ideas. After piecing together a giant shopping mall and hiring NPCs to automate your growing empire, you’ll need to cater to a reactive sandbox observed by law enforcement and populated by customers with minds of their own.

This all sounds delightfully civil, but business can be brutal. Gathering can be dangerous enough with creepy critters out in the wild, and other factions out to get you. An arsenal of weapons can be utilized out in the wild to beat back nature or other players. Playing dirty and just simply beating up the competition even allows factions of shop keeps to dabble in a little vandalism, thievery, and other morally dubious actions that might mean you’re making dirty money.

If you’re looking to form a conglomerate of your own, check out more about Saleblazers before a brand new demo arrives during Steam Next Fest, 3 -10 October.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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