Talking Tom & Friends Claims The Top Spot As The Most Popular Mobile Game Brand

Talking Tom & Friends Claims The Top Spot As The Most Popular Mobile Game Brand - the gang all stand together

Talking Tom & Friends, the cute character driven mobile gaming brand form Outfit 7, is the world’s most popular mobile game brand.

Outfit7 and dropped a blog last night with some serious numbers in tow. The result of a whole heap of number crunching seems to show that the Talking Tom IP is the most popular mobile game series in the world. With 7 games across the top 100 monthly active user charts and a diverse selection of titles to chose from, we’re not really surprised about the headline. More than 10 billion game downloads across the first ten years firmly put this cartoon cat and his friends in the headlines, and it doesn’t seem like there’s any stopping this top cat either. Whether it’s the very first release in the range or the more recent Talking Angela update, the numbers certainly tell a formidable story. The new blog notes that

“Our data shows that Talking Tom & Friends games consistently feature in the Top 100 Games by Monthly Active User (MAU) rankings. In fact, this number has grown steadily, peaking at 7 games in 2021. How does this compare with the competition? It places Outfit7 clearly at the #1 position for publishers with the most number of games among the top 100 games by global MAU in 2021.”

While the numbers make for great reading, they probably don’t explain exactly what makes this team of furry friends so popular. The Talking Tom mobile franchise takes a classic virtual pet template, but expands upon it. Children, teens, and adults interacting with Tom and co can speak to the central protagonist, play games, go on excursions, sing, dance, and more with the stars of a hugely successful online cartoon series.

If you’ve not had a chance to find out what makes Talking Tom such a charming cat and you think that virtual pet games are just Tamagotchi, then it might be worth joining the legions of fans and checking out Talking Tom on the Outfit7 website.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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