With regular releases in the series, SteamWorld follows adventures of different robots in a post-apocalyptic steampunk setting. Though the developers have jumped around into different genres for thei...
Everspace – Stellar Edition is a dog-fighting sci-fi space that has previously been released on other major consoles and PC. The Stellar Edition bundles the game’s Encounters DLC alongside the base g...
After an announcement, a few days before PAX West that Supergiant Games would bring two of its award-winning games to the Switch, as well as a well-received launch of Bastion, the release of Transisto...
He’s back! Over 8 years since the release of Mega Man 10, Capcom brings us a new entry to the Mega Man franchise. It has been even longer than that if you are looking for a more modern entry to the ...
Previously released for the PC, Xbox, and PS4, Victor Vran: Overkill Edition has joined the long list of indie games making the move to the Switch. With the anticipation of finding a good ARPG availa...
Were you a fan of the old Dragon Ball Z Bodoukai fighting games, or are you a Dragon Ball fan who likes Marvel vs Capcom? I’ll save you reading the rest of the review, you need to buy FighterZ....